
November 28th, 2024

Room F0.03

(15min Talk + 5 min Questions)

[10:30 - 12:30] Session 1

Chair: Diego Aineto

[12:30 - 13:30] Lunch

[15:30 - 16:00] Coffee Break

[16:00 - 16:40] Keynote Speaker

Chair: Ivan Serina

Multi-Purpose Resevoir Optimization using Genetic Algorithms for the Hoa Binh Reservoir, Viet Nam --  Roberto Ranzi and Hai Yen Nguyen, University of Brescia Italy.

This talk analyses the use of the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) to optimise the operational management of the multi-purpose Hoa Binh Reservoir, located in northern Vietnam. This reservoir has a key role in the region’s water resource management, contributing to water supply, energy production, and flood control. The primary focus of this analysis is on optimising the reservoir’s operation during the dry season, when water availability is limited, and operational conflicts intensify. During this period, there is a conflict between two major objectives: releasing sufficient water to meet downstream demand in the Red River Delta and maintaining an appropriate reservoir elevation to maximise hydroelectric power generation. Using NSGA-II, this study seeks to identify the optimal operational strategies that satisfy both the downstream water supply requirements and the reservoir’s electricity generation potential. Over the period from 2001 to 2010, the study demonstrates that it is possible to increase electricity production by an average of 11% without compromising the necessary water releases to the Delta region.

[16:40-17:40] Session 2

Chair: Ivan Serina

[17:40 - 18:00] Closing Remarks

Chair: Ivan Serina